MMCore  1.4
CoreCallback Member List

This is the complete list of members for CoreCallback, including all inherited members.

AcqFinished(const MM::Device *caller, int statusCode) (defined in CoreCallback)CoreCallback
ClearImageBuffer(const MM::Device *caller) (defined in CoreCallback)CoreCallback
ClearPostedErrors() (defined in CoreCallback)CoreCallback
CoreCallback(CMMCore *c) (defined in CoreCallback)CoreCallback
GetAutoFocus(const MM::Device *caller) (defined in CoreCallback)CoreCallback
GetChannelConfig(char *channelConfigName, const unsigned int channelConfigIterator) (defined in CoreCallback)CoreCallback
GetClockTicksUs(const MM::Device *caller)CoreCallback
GetCurrentConfig(const char *group, int bufLen, char *name) (defined in CoreCallback)CoreCallback
GetCurrentMMTime() (defined in CoreCallback)CoreCallback
GetDevice(const MM::Device *caller, const char *label)CoreCallback
GetDeviceProperty(const char *deviceName, const char *propName, char *value) (defined in CoreCallback)CoreCallback
GetExposure(double &expMs) (defined in CoreCallback)CoreCallback
GetFocusPosition(double &pos) (defined in CoreCallback)CoreCallback
GetImage() (defined in CoreCallback)CoreCallback
GetImageDimensions(int &width, int &height, int &depth) (defined in CoreCallback)CoreCallback
GetImageProcessor(const MM::Device *caller) (defined in CoreCallback)CoreCallback
GetLoadedDeviceOfType(const MM::Device *caller, MM::DeviceType devType, char *deviceName, const unsigned int deviceIterator) (defined in CoreCallback)CoreCallback
GetParentHub(const MM::Device *caller) const (defined in CoreCallback)CoreCallback
GetSerialAnswer(const MM::Device *, const char *portName, unsigned long ansLength, char *answerTxt, const char *term)CoreCallback
GetSerialPortType(const char *portName) const (defined in CoreCallback)CoreCallback
GetSignalIODevice(const MM::Device *caller, const char *label) (defined in CoreCallback)CoreCallback
GetStateDevice(const MM::Device *caller, const char *label) (defined in CoreCallback)CoreCallback
GetXYPosition(double &x, double &y) (defined in CoreCallback)CoreCallback
InitializeImageBuffer(unsigned channels, unsigned slices, unsigned int w, unsigned int h, unsigned int pixDepth) (defined in CoreCallback)CoreCallback
InsertImage(const MM::Device *caller, const ImgBuffer &imgBuf) (defined in CoreCallback)CoreCallback
InsertImage(const MM::Device *caller, const unsigned char *buf, unsigned width, unsigned height, unsigned byteDepth, const char *serializedMetadata, const bool doProcess=true) (defined in CoreCallback)CoreCallback
InsertImage(const MM::Device *caller, const unsigned char *buf, unsigned width, unsigned height, unsigned byteDepth, unsigned nComponents, const char *serializedMetadata, const bool doProcess=true) (defined in CoreCallback)CoreCallback
InsertImage(const MM::Device *caller, const unsigned char *buf, unsigned width, unsigned height, unsigned byteDepth, const Metadata *pMd=0, const bool doProcess=true) (defined in CoreCallback)CoreCallback
InsertImage(const MM::Device *caller, const unsigned char *buf, unsigned width, unsigned height, unsigned byteDepth, unsigned nComponents, const Metadata *pMd=0, const bool doProcess=true) (defined in CoreCallback)CoreCallback
InsertMultiChannel(const MM::Device *caller, const unsigned char *buf, unsigned numChannels, unsigned width, unsigned height, unsigned byteDepth, Metadata *pMd=0) (defined in CoreCallback)CoreCallback
LogMessage(const MM::Device *caller, const char *msg, bool debugOnly) constCoreCallback
MoveFocus(double v) (defined in CoreCallback)CoreCallback
MoveXYStage(double vX, double vY) (defined in CoreCallback)CoreCallback
NextPostedError(int &errorCode, char *pMessage, int maxlen, int &messageLength) (defined in CoreCallback)CoreCallback
OnExposureChanged(const MM::Device *device, double newExposure)CoreCallback
OnMagnifierChanged(const MM::Device *device)CoreCallback
OnPropertiesChanged(const MM::Device *caller)CoreCallback
OnPropertyChanged(const MM::Device *device, const char *propName, const char *value)CoreCallback
OnSLMExposureChanged(const MM::Device *device, double newExposure)CoreCallback
OnStagePositionChanged(const MM::Device *device, double pos)CoreCallback
OnXYStagePositionChanged(const MM::Device *device, double xpos, double ypos)CoreCallback
PostError(const int errorCode, const char *pMessage) (defined in CoreCallback)CoreCallback
PrepareForAcq(const MM::Device *caller) (defined in CoreCallback)CoreCallback
PurgeSerial(const MM::Device *caller, const char *portName)CoreCallback
ReadFromSerial(const MM::Device *caller, const char *portName, unsigned char *buf, unsigned long bufLength, unsigned long &bytesRead)CoreCallback
SetConfig(const char *group, const char *name) (defined in CoreCallback)CoreCallback
SetDeviceProperty(const char *deviceName, const char *propName, const char *value) (defined in CoreCallback)CoreCallback
SetExposure(double expMs) (defined in CoreCallback)CoreCallback
SetFocusPosition(double pos) (defined in CoreCallback)CoreCallback
SetSerialCommand(const MM::Device *, const char *portName, const char *command, const char *term)CoreCallback
SetSerialProperties(const char *portName, const char *answerTimeout, const char *baudRate, const char *delayBetweenCharsMs, const char *handshaking, const char *parity, const char *stopBits) (defined in CoreCallback)CoreCallback
SetXYPosition(double x, double y) (defined in CoreCallback)CoreCallback
Sleep(const MM::Device *caller, double intervalMs) (defined in CoreCallback)CoreCallback
WriteToSerial(const MM::Device *caller, const char *portName, const unsigned char *buf, unsigned long length)CoreCallback
~CoreCallback() (defined in CoreCallback)CoreCallback